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Book presentation: Sky Chart by Gena Gruz

Gena Gruz presents her book, Sky Chart, with an evening of readings and signings.
Featuring Aaron Poochigian and Anton Yakovlev

“The wind is pecking at time. Here is the muck of timeless language.”

Gena Gruz’s bilingual book, Sky Chart/Карта Неба (M-Graphics Publishing, 2022) is a love story where Sappho meets Zabolotsky. Translated into English by Aaron Poochigian and Anton Yakovlev.

Gena Gruz is a Ukrainian-born poet and artist. She moved to the US in her early teens and later earned a PhD in Molecular Biology from NYU. She is the author of Radiant Solitude (2018), and Earthly Entities (2019) poetry books, both form Liberty Publishing House; and a bilingual book Sky Chart (M-Graphics Publishing, 2022). Her poetry appeared in METAMORPHOSES, Interpoezia, and elsewhere. She leads the Lit Party & Open Mic reading series in New York City.

Aaron Poochigian earned a PhD in Classics from the University of Minnesota and an MFA in Poetry from Columbia University; He is the author of four books of poetry, including ‘Manhattanite,” winner of the Able Muse Award, and “American Divine,” winner of the Richard Wilbur Award. He has translated Ancient Greek poetry for such presses as Penguin Classics and W. W. Norton. His work has appeared in such publications as Best American Poetry, The Paris Review, and POETRY.

Anton Yakovlev’s latest poetry chapbook is Chronos Dines Alone (SurVision Books, 2018), winner of the James Tate Prize. He is also the author of Ordinary Impalers (Kelsay Books, 2017) and two prior chapbooks. His poems have appeared in over seventy journals including The New Yorker, The New Criterion, and Poetry Daily. His book of translations The Last Poet of the Village: Selected Poems by Sergei Yesenin came out from Sensitive Skin Books in 2019.

Earlier Event: October 26
Pumpkin Carving Party!